Detailed thematic outline

The seven dynamics of physis allow you to get a handle on aspects of our social reality which tend not to yield to other attempts at understanding, and bring a new dimension of systemic health into any context you are working with. They equip you to invite your client to reflect in safe, ethical and life-promoting frames on burningly relevant, yet sometimes controversial or almost taboo areas such as

  • (D1) How you define the healthy energy management of the adult individual, the healthy organisation and community, in itself and in its wider context? How can you channel human energy constructively into structures of civilised cooperation and productivity? How can you transform the energy flow from pathological to healthy? What factors do you need to modulate? How can you formulate a realistic action plan with your client to deliver that transformation?
  • How can you define criteria for destructive or constructive exchanges of energy between human individuals, groups or communities? How can you help transform pathological (e.g. parasitical or predatorial) exchange relations to healthy, equitable and sustainable exchange relations?
  • What are the ramifications personally and socially of the fact that as individuals we are mortal and life is transient – that life is a moving vehicle travelling from station to station? What are the best strategies for not merely coping with, but making the most of this existential predicament in our various roles as private individuals, professionals and social actors? How does this play into our professional and social realities?
  • What is it in the human brain that makes it so exceedingly difficult to reconcile our raw animal instincts with our par excellence human rationality and universal ethics? What are the negative and the positive aspects of our primate legacy (e.g. competition, ranking order, exclusion as against problem-solving intelligence and rule-seeking behaviour)? What sort of constructive responses can we generate when we notice the evolutionary strata of our mind conflicting ferociously on various planes: inside the individual human mind, in organisations and business and in the international political arena?
  • Can you fit a fulfilling professional career and the healthy parenting of our children into a single life-course whilst sustaining a harmonious family system? What sort of recipes do our cultures offer for reconciling these life tasks and how can we evaluate these recipes?
  • How can we reflect in meaningful and ethical ways on relative and difficult terms such as enlightened vs barbaric in a multi-cultural world? How do we compare cultures? How do we deal with tensions between our western ideologies of progress and the dismal local realities of the greater part of the planet?
  • What are the ways in which historical traumas and age-old grievances are inscribed into our present-day traumas and malfunctions as individuals, organisations and communities? How can you help relieve clients of their cumbersome effect and liberate human energy for economical use toward a healthier future?
  • Can we find any sure-fire ways to improve the state of our youth? How can we equip schools and families to bring up a healthier generation? How do you shape healthy young adults with rich, radiant, resilient and responsible personalities to carry our societies and our global society toward a sustainable future on this tiny and vulnerable planet?
  • Is there absolutely zero chance for the peaceful and civilised coexistence of nations on this planet or is this a realistic scenario? How can we start to work toward that therapeutic vision for humanity which the great thinkers of the Enlightenment such as Kant and Montesquieu projected before our eyes as goals to attain? What are the strengths and what are the limitations of our Western ideologies? How can these realistically inform our efforts in the international arena to bring about the healing and integration of failed states and rogue states, and work toward a harmonious human global community on a biologically harmonious planet?

By the end of your training in physis-theory you will wield the seven dynamics with mastery. You will be able to X-ray any particular case in a matter of minutes and help mobilise your client’s own healthy energy toward systemically valid ways out of the impass, which contribute at one and the same time to the sustainability of the individual, the organisation the community and the planet.

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